
VLC translation is base on gettext

to mark a string for translation:

  • on C++ side you should use qtr macro which is available in the qt.hpp, this will translate the enclosed string and return a QString

    addButton->setToolTip(qtr("My tooltip here"));
  • For advanced usage, you can use vlc_gettext/vlc_ngettext functions directly

  • For indirect translation (string inside a static list for instance), you should use the N_ macro to mark strings for translation

    const char* myLabels[] = {
        N_("a label"),
        N_("another label")
    for( size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(myLabels); i++)
  • on the QML side you need to use qsTr("my string")

  • files that contain translated strings needs to be added to the po/