Developer tools

Debugging QML javascript

Qt Creator as a qml debuger which is helpful to debug js.

  • To enable this, vlc must be compiled with --enable-qt-qml-debug

  • to start the debugger vlc must be started with something like: --qt-qmljsdebugger=port:4242,block

  • in qt creator “debug” > “start debugging” > “attach to QML port”

refer to qt documentation for more details

QML caching

You can activate QML caching at compilation by passing the option --enable-qt-qml-cache during configure. Qml files will be preprocessed at compile time, this may catch some syntaxic errors

Inspecting QML objects live

There is a tool named GammaRay which is helpful to debug layout. It is dependent from the version of Qt, the best is usually to compile it manually rather than using the version provided by your distribution

Testing with software rendering

export QT_QUICK_BACKEND=software

Testing with older Qt version

It’s usually a good practice to test the code against the minimal supported version of Qt (6.2 at the time of writing). As the version on your system may be different it, it may be necessary to install a Qt version manually, you can either:

  • install Qt using prebuilt version from the Qt Company. see for official documentation

    there are a few gotcha when using prebuilt version:

    • pkg-config file usually have the wrong prefix, you may need to fix them according to your installation

    sed -i -e "s#^prefix=.*#/home/pierre/Qt/6.5.3/gcc_64#" *.pc
    • early Qt 6.2 version don’t provide .pc files this means that you’ll need to either build vlc with meson or provide your own (you copy and adapt them them from a more recent version)

  • build Qt yourself:

    # clone qt5 meta repo
    git clone
    cd qt5
    # checkout the desired version
    git checkout v6.2.8-lts-lgpl
    # init with the required modules
    ./init-repository --module-subset=qt5compat,qtbase,qtdeclarative,qtwayland,qtsvg,qtshadertools,qtimageformats
    # ensure that the dependencies files points to the open source repository
    find . -name "dependencies.yaml"  | xargs sed -i  -e "s/tqtc-//"
    # make a build tree
    mkdir build62
    cd build62
    # prefix is where Qt should be installed
    ../configure -prefix /home/pierre/Qt/6.2.8
    # build and install
    ninja install

To configure and build VLC using this version of Qt you need to provide different path at the time of the configure:

  • when building with autotool, you need to provide the path for qt bin dir and the path of the pkg-config files

    ../configure PATH="/home/pierre/Qt/6.2.8/bin:$PATH"  PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/home/pierre/Qt/6.2.8/lib/pkgconfig/"
  • when building with meson, you need the paths as

    PATH="/home/pierre/Qt/6.2.8/libexec/:$PATH"  meson -Dpkg_config_path=/home/pierre/Qt/6.2.8/lib/pkgconfig/

At runtime you may need to specify Qt library location

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/pierre/Qt/6.2.8/lib

Developer pitfalls

Some common issue made by newcomer (everyone actually ^_^):

  • Beware of scaling issue, common sizes are defined in VLSStyle.qml and new ones should be defined using dp() for proper scaling

  • Beware of translated strings, you should use qsTr in qml and qtr in C++, if this is in a new file, make sure that your file is listed in po/

  • Beware of theming colors, most colors should come from the ColorContext. You should test your code with light/dark/system theme.

  • Beware of the keyboard navigation system, don’t break it.

  • When adding new files be sure that they are compiled by both autotools and meson. for QML files this means that the file should be listed in the .qrc and in the, for C++ they should be listed in the and in the

QML coding convention

As usual, the convention is to follow the convention used in the file you edit, tough following guides are worth reading to have best practices in mind.